Friday, December 11, 2015

I hope everyone is having a great Advent Season - I'm doing mostly hand made gifts but probably need to buy a few gifts

I would like to invite you to participate in a gift card give-away from JoAnn's. Just click the link

I pray the reason for the season fills your heart with love

Saturday, November 14, 2015

seek the Lord

as I listened to the news this morning about the terrorists in Paris a thought kept coming to my mind and heart 'seek the Lord while He might be found through Jesus the Christ our savior, for He is The Way, the only Way.'  and immediately I felt a nudge that I should share this with with everyone - but wasn't sure how so I am starting here.

Another thought came to my mind as read the closed captions on the TV screen - my eyes were a bit teary and it appear the ISIS  blended to be a 66 and I thought - is this meant to be 666 'Islamic State in Syria (is Satan)'

I am praying for all Believers in Jesus as their savior - that we each can share or belief with at least one person in the nest few days - remember believe in your heart and declare with your mouth ' Jesus Christ is Lord'

may God bless each of us

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

it has been a while since I've been here - seems like I just never think about it - try to keep busy with other things
I filled the pulpit a few weeks ago, it went pretty well - I get to do it again on the 22nd, I am going to talk about prayer but haven't started getting it on paper so I really need to be working on that 
So much has happened since I was last here - mom was dx with cancer (stage 4) she had surgery and has had chemo, but it doesn't sound good - dad is in the hospital now with pneumonia, not sue how that is doing, hope to go see him yet today - our son and most of his family moved to Germany, he retired from the Army and got a government job over there - things are always changing 
My MS has progressed some or maybe it is just the weather that makes me think it has (I hope and pray that is the case)  I still make quilts when I can and am working on sweaters for Christmas gifts - the plan is to make everything this year - we have made some jams and jellies from our fresh fruit this year - all the berry bushes and fruit trees had beautiful crops 
We I'd best get busy - I'll try to remember to come back more often

Friday, August 31, 2012

I can't believe how time flies - even if you are not having fun

I have finished about a dozen quilt since I last posted along with making a sweater and several fashion scarves

I also broke my hip and have been laid p with it - no fun - I'm ready for another birthday soon and hope I can get more organized so I get back here more often - bless you all and know that Jesus died for my sins and yours - there is room for all

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

gmail troubles

i try and try and can't log-in, some days are like that and some days are a bit better

it seems like time goes so slow but then it is gone either way and can't be caslled back to use it, i'd like to make better use of it just no energy to do so

i ask the Lord and he helps me see what is important and then things fit together better and the time doesn't seem like such a waste after all

Friday, March 27, 2009

a long week

Well another week has passed and I'm still struggling to get around, but I can do a little more than yesterday and I guess that is good. I'm working on a quilt that is some thing different than I've done before, this one takes a lot of cutting and that means standing, I don't do well standing, so it is slow work, but it is my work & I'll get it done very slowly and love almost every minute of it.
Hubby gave me his cold so that doesn't help me with everything else I have to deal with - the the Lord helps me deal with it all.

My poppie fell this week and is in the hospital - he had his 95th birthday last week, so things are going slow for him too. Mom seems to be a total worry wart & someone has to be with him 24 hours a day - I'm not sure how she will manage him when & if he gets to go back home she drives me crazy at times now.

Time to see if these legs will hold me up long enough to get some work done.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day 2009

another day - with new hope - the Son shines and all is good (even when it hurts) - today I struggle on and I know He is with me. I have heard it said 'no pain no gain' - I must be gaining much - I just have to figure out what it is.